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My Favorite Picture Editing Apps

As a coach I get asked quite frequently how I make my pictures look so good plus how do I get all the cool fonts and graphics on my posts.  Well, I decided that it is time to share my knowledge with you all so that you can have some fun fancying up your pictures!!! But be forewarned that it could potentially take up all your free time creating new masterpieces!!!!
Not every app is for Beachbody, most of these apps can be used for Instagram, Facebook, Blogging and other social media sites.
So what is on my iPhone?!  Why is it so important to have good graphics?  It’s important for your business to have visually appealing content.  Why?  Because people are more likely to stop and read your text if the image catches their eye!  I will be quite honest, I stunk at this at the beginning of my business.  If you would look back to the first few months as a coach I was literally winging it. Now over time, practice and creativity I have improved. So don’t get frustrated if it takes you a long time to create 1 picture or if you find yourself starring at it lost and confused.  Keep trying and it will get easier!
Here is my favorite apps:
WordSwag is by far one of my favorites.  It is easy to put quotes and text on pictures that is already pre formatted into an awesome visual media.

Burst Mode- this is a camera timer app that takes 50 consecutive pictures in a row.  So you know those pictures of me working out.  This is what I use!  I prop up my phone and hit the start button and pose away!
Rhonna Designs is great for adding banners, borders, text and images just like Picmonkey on the computer would but on your phone.

Zoom- Everyone that conducts conference calls or is a part of team needs zoom.  It’s a video conferencing site I use to conduct my coach apprenticeship calls, leadership calls and team calls.  I love that we can be all over the United States but be connected by a video chat!
PicLab reminds me of picmonkey for your iPhone.  They have some great features that I really could get lost in this app for quite some time.
Photofy is like my secret sauce!!! It’s by far the absolute best APP I have ever used!  It has all the preloaded quotes, images graphics and text to really step up your images to the next level.
GroupMe is another little special secret that I have found.  You can create a group on this app and it’s like a text that gets sent when you post. So think about facebook groups for your phone.  My team used this while at Coach Summit to stay connected with each other.  You can upload pics, like and comment on people’s information!

Instabeauty- Instantly fix blemishes and uneven skin and it has really amazing collages!

Phonto- Easy peasy way to add quick text to your photos!

I have a few other apps on my phone but these are the ones that I use on a pretty consistent basis!  I hope you enjoy!  Feel free to share with others! Spread the knowledge!

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