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What is Clean Eating

 Clean eating is simply that, it means that your goal is to consume only natural foods, foods with the least amount of processing, food in its most natural state as possible. 

Clean eating is not a fad diet, it is a lifestyle change. When people lack results it is usually their diet. Eighty percent of your weight loss and fitness journey is about your nutrition. You can work out everyday, but if your nutrition is poor then so will your results. 

Why is clean eating so important?
  • Increases your energy
  • Reduces your risk for obesity
  • Reduces your risk for heart disease, diabetes and other diseases
  • Save money on groceries and skip the need to follow the latest craze 

It's all about what you take in and what you work out

10 Ways to modify your eating to improve your lifestyle

1. Limit your processed foods-if the label is long or has ingredients you cannot pronounce then discard that item
2. Increase your vegetable intake-Vegetables are low in calories, high in vitamins and nutrients and are essential for bone health, immune support and vision.
3. Decrease your sweets intake- Swap out those high calorie/high sugar soft drinks with healthy shakes like shakeology. If sugar is one of the top ingredients in a particular food you are eating that it's time to cut that product out. The American Heart Association recommends 6 teaspoons a day for women and 9 teaspoons a day for men.
4. Swap out your fats-Instead of consuming excess amounts of fat from meat and cheese, swap out for things like olive oil and those found in nuts and fish.
5. Decrease your alcohol intake- Alcohol always needs to be in moderation not only for healthy eating but for your overall health. Alcohol dehydrates your system and is just added calories. Alcohol in moderation may be good for the heart, but mixed drinks are mainly sugar.
6. Whole grainsRefined grains are one way people consume excess calories they do not realize. When looking at labels, do not just find the product that contains wheat, find the product that contains whole wheat or whole grains. Eating whole grains like brown rice, oats and quinoa help to lower your overall body mass.
7. Limit your sodium intake-To help minimize your daily salt intake avoid high processed foods and flavor your foods with spices and herbs versus salt. High sodium intake increases your blood pressure which increases your risk for cardiac issues.
8. Limit your red meat intake-Portion control with meat is important. A normal serving of meat should be about 3 ounces whereas in restaurants you are getting double to triple the allotted serving one should have.
9. Increase your water consumption-Drinking fluids maintain the body's balance, helps control calories, energizes the muscles and supports a normal bowel system.
10. Increase your fruit intake-Fruit has natural sweeteners that people sometimes refer to as "natures's candy." It also has potassium and vitamin C which support a healthy immune system. Always choose whole fruit over fruit juice to avoid added sugar substitutes.

                                         Your fit lifestyle should not be daunting!



     1.     Helps you lose weight

     2.     Leads to healthier skin
     3.     Rids your body of toxins
     4.     Improves your heart health
     5.     Boosts your energy
     6.     Prevents constipation
     7.     Reduces your risk for disease
     8.     Prevents joint and arthritis pain
     9.     Fights off infection
    10.  Improves your productivity
    11.  Reduces water retention
    12.  Oxigenates blood and lungs
    13.  Regulates body temperature
    14.  Hydates brain cells
    15.  Reduces arterial pressure

Meal Prep and Planning

Meal prep and planning is key to eating clean and healthier. Personally, I spend Sunday as my day to make my meal plan. shop and then prep my food for the entire week. This enables me to have all of my food ready so that when I am in a rush I don't have an excuse I just grab and go. 

When preparing my meals for the week I have a standard plan and utilize it every week. Here are some tips when you are planning your meals:
1. Always have a protein at your meals. 
2. Complex carbs are the only carbs- for most people 2 to 4 servings of complex carbs and starches are sufficent for your body. Try to incorporate one with each meal. Personally, I utilize my fruit as my in between meal snacks.
3.You need fat in your diet so do not skip on this. Just avoid trans fats and limit your saturated fat intake.
4. When you are ready to go grocery shopping- make your list from your meal plan, write out each category and the amount you need for the whole week. Then stick to your list. The grocery store can be the hardest part so focus when you are shopping and avoid the temptations.
5. Once you have done your shopping, go home and prep. For me I start by cooking my proteins and then as they are cooking in the oven I start to cut up my fruit and veggies. Then I portion everything out into containers and label each day of the week. 
6. Certain foods you will have to wait to cook. I always circle those and make a note on my meal plan so that I do not forget when it is time for that meal.
7. Having a plan is key. Set up a meal plan and focus on the things you enjoy. Eating clean does not mean that you starve or cut out food groups. 

Clean Eating Principles for Meal Planning:
1. Eat between 5-6 meals throughout your day that are spaced out between 2 1/2 to 3 hours each. You should have a protein and a complex carb with each meal to maintain satiety and fuel your body to it's optimal needs.
2. Eat breakfast within one hour of waking up-never skip breakfast
3. Make your last meal between 2-3 hours before bed
4. Make sure you are consuming enough healthy fats each day
5. Hydration is key- you should drink at least half of your weight in water
6. If you are going to travel pack a cooler of healthy snacks and treats to keep you on track
7. Make sure to follow proper portion sizes to avoid added calories and unnecessary intake
8. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to get enough fiber and enzymes for your daily intake
9. Read labels- avoid overly processed goods and sweet treats
10. Stick to your meal plan-make your food ahead of time so that you are less likely to cheat

What's in a label??
When you are starting to prep and head to the grocery store it is important to read labes....yes we actually have to think about what we are consuming. Too often they say things are "clean" but then the label is full of things that you cannot even say then that is not clean. 

What to avoid when shopping:
  • High processed white flours and sugars
  • Chemical preseratives
  • Artificial sugars
  • Saturated and trans fats
  • Calorie dense foods with no nutritional values 
  • Sodas and juices loaded with added sugars
  • Alcohol should always be consumed in moderation
  • Words such as:  from concentrate, enriched, genetically modified, diet, sugar free or lite

Completely remove any products from your pantry that include:
  • Sucralose
  • Aspartame
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  • Maltodextrin
  • High fructose corn syrup
How to Modify with When Necessary (Remember Moderation)

When you need to add sugars look for these items:
  • Agave Nectar
  • Maple Sugar Flakes
  • Natural Stevia 
  • Organic Cane Sugar

  • Unsweetended herbal teas
  • Black coffee
  • Green or black tea
  • Naturally flavored waters with fruit slices

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